Creating a Family Tree with Frames



Whether you’re a curious genealogist or simply live far away from family and want to keep them close, creating a beautiful family tree can bring your extended family into your home without the need to make up the hide-a-bed.

Finding the Right Place for Your Family Tree

You’ll want to choose an open wall in your home that is cleared of other decorations. This sort of project generally takes up a large amount of space, so find an area at least eight feet across to provide ample room for your tree to grow.

Choose a Tree

You can use either vinyl cutouts that stick to the wall or stencils and paint to create your tree. If you’re particularly artistic, you might even consider attempting a free-hand tree in pencil and then painting it. Search for a tree design that works well with your décor, whether that is a more modern, rounded design or a spiky, gnarled traditional tree.

Adding Photos

There’s a lot of room for customization in the photo part of this project, too. Choose frames in colors and styles that match your décor and blend well with your tree design. Use color photos for a brighter effect or black and white photos to lend a more muted tone.

You can add as many or as few family members as you like to your family tree. Use this wall décor project to show your kids family they missed the chance to meet or to keep loved ones close to your heart. For more unique frame ideas, check us out on Pinterest!

How to Use Mirrors to Improve Your Business’ Image



Beautifully framed mirrors can do more for your business than provide a place to check your teeth for spinach after lunch. When placed well, they can change the entire image of your business by strategically altering people’s perception of your space. Here are some ways you can use mirrors to change the feel of your office or business.

·         Create light in the space- Mirrors reflect and refract light, making it appear multiplied. They are a great way to add light to a space without calling in the   electrician.

·         Make it feel larger and airier- Mirrors can act a little like windows in that they make a space feel bigger and less closed in. They present the illusion of infinite space, which can make an environment more relaxing. Long, narrow mirrors hung horizontally are perfect for hallways or small rooms; they make the space seem less closed in. For low ceilings, use tall mirrors to elongate the space.

·         Add décor without adding clutter- Especially in entryways, mirrors are a great way to add décor without adding a lot of clutter. The appearance of clutter in entries makes a poor first impression on customers or clients. Framed mirrors look polished but not overdone.1

·         Hide ugly or unwanted architectural features- Is there a gigantic column that cuts your business’ space in half? Cover it with mirrors to make it “disappear”. Mirrors can be used to make building features that aren’t easily changed less noticeable.

For more ideas for using frames and mirrors check out the Frame Warehouse blog or Facebook page!

Use Frames to Make Your Restaurant’s Specials Eye-Catching



Specials have the power to make or break a restaurant’s bottom line. They allow for careful ordering and give you the opportunity to make the most of what you’ve already got on hand. They’re frequently overlooked by clientele, though.

This could happen because the server skims over them, or the guest is hard of hearing, or they’re trying to reign in an unruly child and paying little attention. You can eliminate those barriers to customer’s ordering of specials by placing them directly on each table.

You can do just that by using frames. Here are two ways you can create a special board on each individual table so that guests have easy access to the specials in writing.

First, create a printable template that matches your restaurant’s theme seamlessly. You’ll input the daily specials and print them off. Use a heavier cardstock or linen paper to create a classier feel. Place them in stand-up frames on each table. You don’t even need to glass over the paper in this method, the frame and heavier paper will keep the print-outs in place.

The second option is place a background paper in a frame with glass. Hang the frame on the wall above each table to prevent guests from touching and smearing the writing. Write the specials neatly with a dry erase marker each day. The looks you could create with this method are limited only by your imagination. Use black paper and neon or white dry-erase markers to create a put-together style, or use a lightly patterned paper and a complementary shade of marker.

For more ideas for using frames in your home or business, check Frame Warehouse out on Pinterest or Facebook!

Using Frames in the Garden



You’ve seen plenty of clever uses of frames on the blog here at Frame Warehouse, but there’s not much on using frames outside. When you think of frames, you probably think of pictures, which are not a very weather-proof décor item, but there are plenty of non-photo ways to use frames. They can even create the same classy, well-rounded effect they have inside the home outside. Use frames to jazz up your garden with these ideas:

  • Garden table: Create a simple but beautiful table or plant stand in your garden with a frame. Simply follow the directions in this custom frame serving tray blog, then screw on four prefabricated legs from a hardware store following the instructions provided. If you use a large frame, you can even create a little potting bench.
  • Framed wall pots: Hang pots on a fence, trellis, or the side of the garden shed and then add frames around them as a finishing touch. Be sure to purchase frames that are larger than the pots you’re using by a couple inches on each side to leave room for the plant to grow.
  • Outdoor Chalkboards: Add pizzazz to an outdoor chalkboard so your littles can get creative outside. Hang a chalkboard that’s ready to be used in the elements or add chalkboard paint to an existing smooth surface and frame it to create a beautiful chalk art display or custom chalk sign.


Frames, generally speaking, aren’t up to surviving intact in the elements. If you plan on doing one of these projects in an area that’s exposed, you’ll want to weatherproof your frame (and other materials) first. You can do this by spray painting the items with an outdoor-worthy clear coat.

Follow Frame Warehouse’s Facebook page for more framing advice and ideas!

What’s your frame style?

Not only can a frame’s color bring out or accent the subtle detail in your framed piece, the texture of a frame can also add that extra punch to a well-decorated room. Depending on the look and feel you’re shooting for in your interior space, color and texture in the frames you choose, paired with well-coordinated mats, can completely make over a room.

Here are a few color and texture combinations to liven up your rooms.


  • Contemporary artwork or photographs pop with bright, bold sleek frames in colors like red, yellow or green.
  • When matted with a textured white or black mat, bright, bold frame backgrounds often help draw the eye to the finer aspects of your artwork or photographs.

Traditional or Vintage

  • Paintings, landscapes or vintage photographs or items can be beautifully spotlighted with intricately carved frames of gold or pewter, matte black or natural dark rich woods like mahogany or walnut.
  • Bring the piece you are framing all the way to the edge of the frame with no mat so that the framed items can truly be enhanced.


  • Country design leans towards chalkier, softer colors like barn red, soft brown, tan or grey.
  • Frames in natural, simple woods like oak or pine that have a knotty or barn siding texture to them are popular for a country look. Match the matting color to the frame color and you have a framed photograph or handcrafted watercolor that really stands out.

Frame Warehouse has 16 convenient locations and can assist you with any of your framing needs. See our website for a variety of over 80 frames or visit us in person to speak with our friendly staff about what you are looking for in your home decor!

Frames aren’t just for Artwork Anymore

Chances are, you already have a treasure chest of display worthy items hiding in your house right now. Think of items most people keep as momentos of trips, loved ones and achievements. The right frame and mat can upscale those items that are currently tucked away in drawers and scrapbooks into works of art that can liven up your rooms.

Here are five that you may not have thought.

1. Family heirlooms

  • That vintage pennant that your grandmother used to wear or those lace gloves that your mom wore in her wedding along with their photographs can make a cool shadowbox sort of display when framed.
  • Keepsakes often make for beautiful pieces of art, and can give a room an elegant, nostalgic feel.
  • Plus, framing helps to permanently preserve these family heirlooms.

2. Maps

  • Framing a detailed map of a city, country, or even the world adds a nice design element to any room.
  • An old map can help you remember an amazing trip you took, or highlight your progress on a bucket list of places you want to go.

3. Newspaper or magazine clippings

  • Preserve a record of your proudest moments or achievements with a framed copy of a newspaper or magazine clipping you or your business has been featured in.
  • This visual reminder of your accomplishments can be just the thing to brighten up your office.

4. Children’s artwork

  • What parent (or grandparent, aunt, uncle, or godparent), does not have some favorite artwork that has been presented to them by a child?
  • Frame it in a whimsical frame to add some energy and fun to the kitchen or family room.
  • Think how proud that child will be to see their work on display in your home.

Frame Warehouse has 16 convenient locations and can assist you with any of your framing needs. See our website for a variety of over 80 frames or visit us in person to speak with our friendly staff about what you are looking for in your home decor!


Whether to frame your piece with a mat or not is often a difficult decision. But to help decide what will surround your artwork (if anything), here are a few things to consider.

1. What’s the size of your piece?

  • For small pieces, a wide, textured mat can actually draw attention to the finer details and boost the impact of the piece.
  • Larger artworks and pieces might look great framed just as they are going all the way to the full edge of the frame.
  • Pieces of any size can be highlighted by a mat proportional to their size, but some pieces may not require a mat.
  • Frame Warehouse can always help advise you on the ideal mat size for any piece of custom framed artwork.

2. What is your piece made of?

  • If you are framing a large poster, no mat allows a more modern, edgy look.
  • Photographs, whether large or small, are often complemented by the addition of a mat.
  • A mat can give an elevated or sort of “focused in” look to the photograph.
  • Custom framing heirlooms, textiles or items other than canvas or paper usually will benefit from a “floating” mat. This is a matting process that involves attaching the item to a foam core to “lift” the item and mounting it to a white mat. It gives the effect that the item is suspended.
  • Original artwork or signed pieces or documents and news clippings almost always shine with a mat that provides that added touch of elegance.

3. Where will your piece hang?

  • Mats come in a variety of sizes and can be wide or narrow and virtually any color. Mats can also come in various textures. This makes it easy to blend your final framed piece with the walls, rooms and other hanging items in your home.

Be sure to always remember that a mat will add to the final dimensions of your finished piece (so if you’re artwork is 11×14″, you final framed piece with a mat could be around 17×20″) and make sure that the space in which you are hanging your artwork can accommodate the size increase.

Frame Warehouse has 16 convenient locations and can assist you with any of your framing needs. See our website for a variety of over 80 frames or visit us in person to speak with our friendly staff about what you are looking for in your home decor!

Custom Framing Means Quality

At Frame Warehouse, we use high-quality materials that are handpicked to provide the best framing results.

  • Our experienced framing professionals are trained to custom assemble each wood frame. Once our frames are cut, the corners are glued, and the frames are secured with “v-nails.”
  • The wood frames are finished with putty and polish before they are wiped clean.
  • At the same time, acrylic sheets, mounting boards, and mats are carefully inspect each framed piece for any flaws or imperfections and ensure they are corrected before it leaves our warehouse and is shipped to your home.

We stock hundreds of varieties, styles and textures of quality moldings, mat boards, backing and glass etc. so that we can design and craft your finished framed piece as a one of a kind work of art.

The use of quality materials, our meticulous process, careful inspection and attention to details are what sets Frame Warehouse apart as a custom framer. A well-designed, well-made custom frame will last for many years.

Frame Warehouse has 16 convenient locations and can assist you with any of your framing needs. See our website for a variety of over 80 frames or visit us in person to speak with our friendly staff about what you are looking for in your home decor!

Make a Family Schedule with a Frame



No matter how large or small your family, it’s important to stay organized when schedules get busy—and this is definitely the case if you have kids who are wrapping up the school year. From digital calendars to paper planners, you have a plethora of organizational methods to choose from, but why not set up a schedule that’s both functional and a pretty part of your home’s décor? This DIY framed calendar will allow you to keep tabs on all of your family’s activities while adding a bit of style to your living space.

Step 1: Choose your frame

The first (and most exciting) step in this DIY project is to pick the perfect frame for your calendar. The team at Frame Warehouse can help you identify which frame will best complement your home’s décor while offering enough space to keep up with your family’s schedule.

Step 2: Glue in the cork or whiteboard

Remove the backing and the glass from your frame. Next, lay the frame face-down on a flat surface and place a sheet of cork or a whiteboard over the top of it. Cut the cork to match the dimensions of the frame (if you choose to use a whiteboard, make sure that the board you purchase matches the dimensions you need so that you don’t have to cut it). Finally, glue the cork or whiteboard to the back of the frame so that you can’t see the edges when it’s hung.

Step 3: Create your calendar

Using ribbons, markers, pins, and other fun materials, mark off the lines of your calendar. If you have a smaller frame, you may want to stick to a weekly calendar instead of a monthly one. Once your days are marked, go ahead and fill in your family’s activities.

Interested in learning about more DIY projects you can do with frames? Follow Frame Warehouse on Facebook!

3 Things to Frame to Get Your Home Ready for Summer



Updating your home’s décor from one season to the next is a great way to enjoy your living space throughout the year. This may seem like a large undertaking, but don’t worry! You can make small changes that have a major impact. One such change is to switch out the photos and artwork you have framed around your house. Below are three things that you can frame this summer to keep your living space feeling warm and vibrant.

  1. Vintage beach photos: Vintage photos of the beach can bring a lot of style to your living space—and can get your family excited for the trip to the coast you’ll be taking later in the season! Try looking for an assortment of photos from different countries to hang in a cluster.
  2. Photos from family vacation: If your family takes summer vacations, relive your favorite moments each season by framing your photos. Over the years, your summer photo collection will grow and, eventually, you’ll have enough to create a gallery wall for the season!
  3. Art with a summer theme: When you think summer, you probably think sunshine and bright colors—and these are great themes for art to hang during this season. But if that just doesn’t fit your style, try looking for black and white photographs taken at a beach.

Looking for a little guidance when framing your photos or art? Give the team at Frame Warehouse a call! We can assist with everything from helping you choose the perfect frames to providing our personal framing services.