Nobody likes filing taxes (well, maybe a select few people who get plenty of money back). It’s tedious, there’s a ton of paperwork to keep track of, and the horrifying prospect that if you or your tax professional somehow overlook something it could be a federal crime makes it a generally unpleasant task. Organization is the key to keeping your taxes straight, though. There’s no better time to start planning how to better organize your tax paperwork than when the IRS’s April 17th deadline is breathing down your neck. At least you can make sure you’re prepared next year!!
Here’s how you can make a hanging framed tax organizer to give you the perfect place to offload all your tax paperwork throughout the year and keep it handy for filing in 2019.
1. Get a large frame. Personally, I love Frame Warehouse’s
Customize your tax organizer however you need to so that your paperwork is all in one place for next year, but easy to access in the meantime. For additional frame ideas to help keep your home organized, check out Frame Warehouse’s Facebook page.