A framed photo or art piece can be the highlight of a room, drawing conversation and attention of guests. It might even captivate viewers enough to accumulate fingerprints. And that’s in addition to the common dust and grime built up over time. So even when you’ve invested in a top notch frame to keep your artwork protected, the inorganic and organic material that interacts with it can react adversely with the frame glazing and break down its protective properties.


Don’t leave the precious pictures and art on your walls unprotected in old frames! Instead, clean your frames regularly with the following steps.


Clean The Surface:


  • Glass – Glass doesn’t require too much fuss. A common streak-free glass cleaner and soft, lint-free cloth will easily wipe away fingerprints and dust.


  • Acrylic or Optium Glazing – Glazing requires a little more care than the typical glass. Use an anti-static acrylic cleaner and a microfiber cloth.


Identify and Clean Frame:


  1. Identify Frame – Wooden, sprayed, gilded, color-washed, or welded? A specific frame type has a specific sensitivity, requiring an alternate method of cleaning. A frame professional at Frame Warehouse can identify your frame for you if you are having trouble.


  1. Choose Solution and Cloth –
    1. Clear, Color-Free Acrylic or Glass Cleaner – Use this combination for sprayed frames. Sprayed frames are probably the least sensitive, and can usually be cleaned with the same supplies at the glass or glazed surface.
    2. Clean, Dry, Lint-Free Cloth – Wooden frames are a bit more sensitive. It’s best not to use any solution to clean wood, unless it is specifically a wood cleaner (and sometimes not even then). The harsh chemicals can break down the organic structure of the wood. Instead, a clean and dry, lint-free cloth will be able to rub the grime away.
    3. Cotton Gloves and Feather Duster – Gilded, color washed, and welded frames all fall into the most sensitive frame category which requires delicate handling. Wear cotton gloves when handling these and whisk away dirt and grime with a feather duster. If you don’t have a feather duster, you may use a soft lint-free cloth. Avoid using pressure.


  1. Spray Solution onto Cloth – Never spray any cleaning solution directly onto the glass, glazing, or other frame elements. Always spray onto the cleaning cloth, letting the air hit the damp cloth for a few seconds before making contact.


  1. Use Small Circular Motions – Wipe the cloth or duster in circular motions.


  1. Continue Movement Until Solution Evaporates – If you are using a solution on a cloth, be sure to continue rubbing until the solution evaporates completely from the surface of the frame.


Even if a frame is cleaned properly, over the course of time it’s recommended to seek refurbishment. Refurbishing or replacing a frame will ensure that the artwork or other precious image displayed inside will stay in top condition. Somewhere between 5-10 years, a frame may start showing wear or be weakened, resulting in less moisture or UV protection for instance. When that time comes, Frame Warehouse can offer you a great selection of frames to replace the old one.

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