With holidays approaching quickly, events with family and friends seem to be happening all the time. You may be hosting one of the coming holiday events! You want to host a successful event where everyone has a good time and enjoys their visit. Think about most holiday events for a moment. There are always adults that are mingling, chatting, and munching on appetizers. Then there are kids that are either bored and sitting against the wall, kids that won’t leave their parent’s side, and kids with so much energy that they’re bolting around the house with just a little too much enthusiasm. This holiday season make a craft for the kids to enjoy! With a fun holiday craft, the adults will have the opportunity to mingle and visit, and the kids won’t be bored waiting for their parents to take them home. It’s a win-win. Here’s how to make the perfect photo frame craft for kids!



Kids love photos. They have grown up with cameras on cell phones, tablets, Nintendo DS, their computers, and their iPads. They have apps like Instagram and Snapchat. Have they ever used a Polaroid? Or digital film? Probably not!

  • The first step in the photo frame craft is finding a way for kids to take photos. They don’t necessarily need to print right away, but that is part of the fun. If you have a Polaroid and are willing to use some film, that is a great way to engage the kids in a unique craft project!
  • Another option is to purchase a few disposable cameras and set them up for the kids. They are inexpensive, different than using a phone, and will be fun for the parents and kids to see them developed! Plus, you can have them go around the holiday party and take pictures of guests and start some fun conversations.



This is the fun part. Pick up a variety of frames! Frame Warehouse has over 80 options online. Pick up some decorating tools, like holiday-themed decals and stickers, some holiday colored permanent markers and anything else you think would be fun. Then, let the kids at the holiday party create custom picture frames for the photos that they’ve taken from the evening! Another idea is to get miniature picture frames. These can become Christmas tree ornaments for a seasonal decoration.


We hope you enjoy the holiday season! Enjoy the time with family and friends and reminisce on the past year. Implement this holiday craft for kids to keep them entertained and to create a fun memento of your holiday party!


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